Appendix A. Appendix

Release Notes

Table of Contents

A.1. Release 1.5.8
A.2. Release 1.5.7
A.3. Release 1.5.6
A.4. Release 1.5.5
A.5. Release 1.5.4
A.6. Release 1.5.3
A.7. Release 1.5.2
A.8. Release 1.5.1
A.9. Release 1.5.0
A.10. Release 1.4.0
A.11. Release 1.3.6
A.12. Release 1.3.5
A.13. Release 1.3.4
A.14. Release 1.3.3
A.15. Release 1.3.2
A.16. Release 1.3.1
A.17. Release 1.3.0
A.18. Release 1.2.1
A.19. Release 1.2.0
A.20. Release 1.1.6
A.21. Release 1.1.5
A.22. Release 1.1.4
A.23. Release 1.1.3
A.24. Release 1.1.2
A.25. Release 1.1.1
A.26. Release 1.1.0
A.27. Release 1.0.6
A.28. Release 1.0.5
A.29. Release 1.0.4
A.30. Release 1.0.3
A.31. Release 1.0.2
A.32. Release 1.0.1
A.33. Release 1.0.0
A.34. Release 1.0.0RC6
A.35. Release 1.0.0RC5
A.36. Release 1.0.0RC4
A.37. Release 1.0.0RC3
A.38. Release 1.0.0RC2
A.39. Release 1.0.0RC1

A.1. Release 1.5.8

Release date: 2012/11/15

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.7 release.

Bug Fixes

#2048, ST_Within and ST_CoveredBy producing bad results

#2095, proj4 cache corrupted by projection error

A.2. Release 1.5.7

Release date: 2012/10/31

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.6 release.

Bug Fixes

#2071, Add PgSQL 9.2 support

A.3. Release 1.5.6

Release date: 2012/10/30

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.5 release.

Bug Fixes

#547, ST_Contains memory problems, the remake

#1957, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL

#1936, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash

#1953, Segfault on GEOS calls with empty polygon

#1976, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability

#2071, Add PgSQL 9.2 support

A.4. Release 1.5.5

Release date: 2012/07/20

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.4 release.

Bug Fixes

#1825, containsproperly fix in prepared geometry.

#1832, Crash when updating GIST index on geography column

#1865, don't strip comments COPY data from dumps on restore

A.5. Release 1.5.4

Release date: 2012/05/06

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.3 release.

Bug Fixes

#547, ST_Contains memory problems (Sandro Santilli)

#621, Problem finding intersections with geography (Paul Ramsey)

#627, PostGIS/PostgreSQL process die on invalid geometry (Paul Ramsey)

#810, Increase accuracy of area calculation (Paul Ramsey)

#852, improve spatial predicates robustness (Sandro Santilli, Nicklas Avén)

#877, ST_Estimated_Extent returns NULL on empty tables (Sandro Santilli)

#1028, ST_AsSVG kills whole postgres server when fails (Paul Ramsey)

#1056, Fix boxes of arcs and circle stroking code (Paul Ramsey)

#1121, populate_geometry_columns using deprecated functions (Regin Obe, Paul Ramsey)

#1135, improve testsuite predictability (Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum)

#1146, images generator crashes (bronaugh)

#1170, North Pole intersection fails (Paul Ramsey)

#1179, ST_AsText crash with bad value (kjurka)

#1184, honour DESTDIR in documentation Makefile (Bryce L Nordgren)

#1227, server crash on invalid GML

#1252, SRID appearing in WKT (Paul Ramsey)

#1264, st_dwithin(g, g, 0) doesn't work (Paul Ramsey)

#1344, allow exporting tables with invalid geometries (Sandro Santilli)

#1389, wrong proj4text for SRID 31300 and 31370 (Paul Ramsey)

#1406, shp2pgsql crashes when loading into geography (Sandro Santilli)

#1595, fixed SRID redundancy in ST_Line_SubString (Sandro Santilli)

#1596, check SRID in UpdateGeometrySRID (Mike Toews, Sandro Santilli)

#1602, fix ST_Polygonize to retain Z (Sandro Santilli)

#1697, fix crash with EMPTY entries in GiST index (Paul Ramsey)

#1772, fix ST_Line_Locate_Point with collapsed input (Sandro Santilli)

#1799, Protect ST_Segmentize from max_length=0 (Sandro Santilli)

Alter parameter order in 900913 (Paul Ramsey)

Support builds with "gmake" (Greg Troxel)

A.6. Release 1.5.3

Release date: 2011/06/25

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.2 release.

Bug Fixes

#1007, ST_IsValid crash fix requires GEOS 3.3.0+ or 3.2.3+ (Sandro Santilli, reported by Birgit Laggner)

#940, support for PostgreSQL 9.1 beta 1 (Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey, patch submitted by stl)

#845, ST_Intersects precision error (Sandro Santilli, Nicklas Avén) Reported by cdestigter

#884, Unstable results with ST_Within, ST_Intersects (Chris Hodgson)

#779, shp2pgsql -S option seems to fail on points (Jeff Adams)

#666, ST_DumpPoints is not null safe (Regina Obe)

#631, Update NZ projections for grid transformation support (jpalmer)

#630, Peculiar Null treatment in arrays in ST_Collect (Chris Hodgson) Reported by David Bitner

#624, Memory leak in ST_GeogFromText (ryang, Paul Ramsey)

#609, Bad source code in manual section 5.2 Java Clients (simoc, Regina Obe)

#604, shp2pgsql usage touchups (Mike Toews, Paul Ramsey)

#573 ST_Union fails on a group of linestrings Not a PostGIS bug, fixed in GEOS 3.3.0

#457 ST_CollectionExtract returns non-requested type (Nicklas Avén, Paul Ramsey)

#441 ST_AsGeoJson Bbox on GeometryCollection error (Olivier Courtin)

#411 Ability to backup invalid geometries (Sando Santilli) Reported by Regione Toscana

#409 ST_AsSVG - degraded (Olivier Courtin) Reported by Sdikiy

#373 Documentation syntax error in hard upgrade (Paul Ramsey) Reported by psvensso

A.7. Release 1.5.2

Release date: 2010/09/27

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.1 release.

Bug Fixes

Loader: fix handling of empty (0-verticed) geometries in shapefiles. (Sandro Santilli)

#536, Geography ST_Intersects, ST_Covers, ST_CoveredBy and Geometry ST_Equals not using spatial index (Regina Obe, Nicklas Aven)

#573, Improvement to ST_Contains geography (Paul Ramsey)

Loader: Add support for command-q shutdown in Mac GTK build (Paul Ramsey)

#393, Loader: Add temporary patch for large DBF files (Maxime Guillaud, Paul Ramsey)

#507, Fix wrong OGC URN in GeoJSON and GML output (Olivier Courtin)

spatial_ref_sys.sql Add datum conversion for projection SRID 3021 (Paul Ramsey)

Geography - remove crash for case when all geographies are out of the estimate (Paul Ramsey)

#469, Fix for array_aggregation error (Greg Stark, Paul Ramsey)

#532, Temporary geography tables showing up in other user sessions (Paul Ramsey)

#562, ST_Dwithin errors for large geographies (Paul Ramsey)

#513, shape loading GUI tries to make spatial index when loading DBF only mode (Paul Ramsey)

#527, shape loading GUI should always append log messages (Mark Cave-Ayland)

#504, shp2pgsql should rename xmin/xmax fields (Sandro Santilli)

#458, postgis_comments being installed in contrib instead of version folder (Mark Cave-Ayland)

#474, Analyzing a table with geography column crashes server (Paul Ramsey)

#581, LWGEOM-expand produces inconsistent results (Mark Cave-Ayland)

#513, Add dbf filter to shp2pgsql-gui and allow uploading dbf only (Paul Ramsey)

Fix further build issues against PostgreSQL 9.0 (Mark Cave-Ayland)

#572, Password whitespace for Shape File

#603, shp2pgsql: "-w" produces invalid WKT for MULTI* objects. (Mark Cave-Ayland)

A.8. Release 1.5.1

Release date: 2010/03/11

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.4.1 release.

Bug Fixes

#410, update embedded bbox when applying ST_SetPoint, ST_AddPoint ST_RemovePoint to a linestring (Paul Ramsey)

#411, allow dumping tables with invalid geometries (Sandro Santilli, for Regione Toscana-SIGTA)

#414, include geography_columns view when running upgrade scripts (Paul Ramsey)

#419, allow support for multilinestring in ST_Line_Substring (Paul Ramsey, for Lidwala Consulting Engineers)

#421, fix computed string length in ST_AsGML() (Olivier Courtin)

#441, fix GML generation with heterogeneous collections (Olivier Courtin)

#443, incorrect coordinate reversal in GML 3 generation (Olivier Courtin)

#450, #451, wrong area calculation for geography features that cross the date line (Paul Ramsey)

Ensure support for upcoming 9.0 PgSQL release (Paul Ramsey)

A.9. Release 1.5.0

Release date: 2010/02/04

This release provides support for geographic coordinates (lat/lon) via a new GEOGRAPHY type. Also performance enhancements, new input format support (GML,KML) and general upkeep.

API Stability

The public API of PostGIS will not change during minor (0.0.X) releases.

The definition of the =~ operator has changed from an exact geometric equality check to a bounding box equality check.


GEOS, Proj4, and LibXML2 are now mandatory dependencies

The library versions below are the minimum requirements for PostGIS 1.5

PostgreSQL 8.3 and higher on all platforms

GEOS 3.1 and higher only (GEOS 3.2+ to take advantage of all features)

LibXML2 2.5+ related to new ST_GeomFromGML/KML functionality

Proj4 4.5 and higher only

New Features

Section 8.9.1, “PostGIS Functions new, behavior changed, or enhanced in 1.5”

Added Hausdorff distance calculations (#209) (Vincent Picavet)

Added parameters argument to ST_Buffer operation to support one-sided buffering and other buffering styles (Sandro Santilli)

Addition of other Distance related visualization and analysis functions (Nicklas Aven)

  • ST_ClosestPoint

  • ST_DFullyWithin

  • ST_LongestLine

  • ST_MaxDistance

  • ST_ShortestLine

ST_DumpPoints (Maxime van Noppen)

KML, GML input via ST_GeomFromGML and ST_GeomFromKML (Olivier Courtin)

Extract homogeneous collection with ST_CollectionExtract (Paul Ramsey)

Add measure values to an existing linestring with ST_AddMeasure (Paul Ramsey)

History table implementation in utils (George Silva)

Geography type and supporting functions

  • Spherical algorithms (Dave Skea)

  • Object/index implementation (Paul Ramsey)

  • Selectivity implementation (Mark Cave-Ayland)

  • Serializations to KML, GML and JSON (Olivier Courtin)

  • ST_Area, ST_Distance, ST_DWithin, ST_GeogFromText, ST_GeogFromWKB, ST_Intersects, ST_Covers, ST_Buffer (Paul Ramsey)


Performance improvements to ST_Distance (Nicklas Aven)

Documentation updates and improvements (Regina Obe, Kevin Neufeld)

Testing and quality control (Regina Obe)

PostGIS 1.5 support PostgreSQL 8.5 trunk (Guillaume Lelarge)

Win32 support and improvement of core shp2pgsql-gui (Mark Cave-Ayland)

In place 'make check' support (Paul Ramsey)

Bug fixes

A.10. Release 1.4.0

Release date: 2009/07/24

This release provides performance enhancements, improved internal structures and testing, new features, and upgraded documentation.

API Stability

As of the 1.4 release series, the public API of PostGIS will not change during minor releases.


The versions below are the *minimum* requirements for PostGIS 1.4

PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher on all platforms

GEOS 3.0 and higher only

PROJ4 4.5 and higher only

New Features

ST_Union() uses high-speed cascaded union when compiled against GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey)

ST_ContainsProperly() requires GEOS 3.1+

ST_Intersects(), ST_Contains(), ST_Within() use high-speed cached prepared geometry against GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey)

Vastly improved documentation and reference manual (Regina Obe & Kevin Neufeld)

Figures and diagram examples in the reference manual (Kevin Neufeld)

ST_IsValidReason() returns readable explanations for validity failures (Paul Ramsey)

ST_GeoHash() returns a signature for geometries (Paul Ramsey)

GTK+ multi-platform GUI for shape file loading (Paul Ramsey)

ST_LineCrossingDirection() returns crossing directions (Paul Ramsey)

ST_LocateBetweenElevations() returns sub-string based on Z-ordinate. (Paul Ramsey)

Geometry parser returns explicit error message about location of syntax errors (Mark Cave-Ayland)

ST_AsGeoJSON() return JSON formatted geometry (Olivier Courtin)

Populate_Geometry_Columns() -- automatically add records to geometry_columns for TABLES and VIEWS (Kevin Neufeld)

ST_MinimumBoundingCircle() -- returns the smallest circle polygon that can encompass a geometry (Bruce Rindahl)


Core geometry system moved into independent library, liblwgeom. (Mark Cave-Ayland)

New build system uses PostgreSQL "pgxs" build bootstrapper. (Mark Cave-Ayland)

Debugging framework formalized and simplified. (Mark Cave-Ayland)

All build-time #defines generated at configure time and placed in headers for easier cross-platform support (Mark Cave-Ayland)

Logging framework formalized and simplified (Mark Cave-Ayland)

Expanded and more stable support for CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON, better parsing, wider support in functions (Mark Leslie & Mark Cave-Ayland)

Improved support for OpenSolaris builds (Paul Ramsey)

Improved support for MSVC builds (Mateusz Loskot)

Updated KML support (Olivier Courtin)

Unit testing framework for liblwgeom (Paul Ramsey)

New testing framework to comprehensively exercise every PostGIS function (Regine Obe)

Performance improvements to all geometry aggregate functions (Paul Ramsey)

Support for the upcoming PostgreSQL 8.4 (Mark Cave-Ayland, Talha Bin Rizwan)

Shp2pgsql and pgsql2shp re-worked to depend on the common parsing/unparsing code in liblwgeom (Mark Cave-Ayland)

Use of PDF DbLatex to build PDF docs and preliminary instructions for build (Jean David Techer)

Automated User documentation build (PDF and HTML) and Developer Doxygen Documentation (Kevin Neufeld)

Automated build of document images using ImageMagick from WKT geometry text files (Kevin Neufeld)

More attractive CSS for HTML documentation (Dane Springmeyer)

Bug fixes

A.11. Release 1.3.6

Release date: 2009/05/04

This release adds support for PostgreSQL 8.4, exporting prj files from the database with shape data, some crash fixes for shp2pgsql, and several small bug fixes in the handling of "curve" types, logical error importing dbf only files, improved error handling of AddGeometryColumns.

A.12. Release 1.3.5

Release date: 2008/12/15

This release is a bug fix release to address a failure in ST_Force_Collection and related functions that critically affects using Mapserver with LINE layers.

A.13. Release 1.3.4

Release date: 2008/11/24

This release adds support for GeoJSON output, building with PostgreSQL 8.4, improves documentation quality and output aesthetics, adds function-level SQL documentation, and improves performance for some spatial predicates (point-in-polygon tests).

Bug fixes include removal of crashers in handling circular strings for many functions, some memory leaks removed, a linear referencing failure for measures on vertices, and more. See the NEWS file for details.

A.14. Release 1.3.3

Release date: 2008/04/12

This release fixes bugs shp2pgsql, adds enhancements to SVG and KML support, adds a ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology function, makes the build more sensitive to GEOS versions, and fixes a handful of severe but rare failure cases.

A.15. Release 1.3.2

Release date: 2007/12/01

This release fixes bugs in ST_EndPoint() and ST_Envelope, improves support for JDBC building and OS/X, and adds better support for GML output with ST_AsGML(), including GML3 output.

A.16. Release 1.3.1

Release date: 2007/08/13

This release fixes some oversights in the previous release around version numbering, documentation, and tagging.

A.17. Release 1.3.0

Release date: 2007/08/09

This release provides performance enhancements to the relational functions, adds new relational functions and begins the migration of our function names to the SQL-MM convention, using the spatial type (SP) prefix.

Added Functionality

JDBC: Added Hibernate Dialect (thanks to Norman Barker)

Added ST_Covers and ST_CoveredBy relational functions. Description and justification of these functions can be found at

Added ST_DWithin relational function.

Performance Enhancements

Added cached and indexed point-in-polygon short-circuits for the functions ST_Contains, ST_Intersects, ST_Within and ST_Disjoint

Added inline index support for relational functions (except ST_Disjoint)

Other Changes

Extended curved geometry support into the geometry accessor and some processing functions

Began migration of functions to the SQL-MM naming convention; using a spatial type (ST) prefix.

Added initial support for PostgreSQL 8.3

A.18. Release 1.2.1

Release date: 2007/01/11

This release provides bug fixes in PostgreSQL 8.2 support and some small performance enhancements.


Fixed point-in-polygon shortcut bug in Within().

Fixed PostgreSQL 8.2 NULL handling for indexes.

Updated RPM spec files.

Added short-circuit for Transform() in no-op case.

JDBC: Fixed JTS handling for multi-dimensional geometries (thanks to Thomas Marti for hint and partial patch). Additionally, now JavaDoc is compiled and packaged. Fixed classpath problems with GCJ. Fixed pgjdbc 8.2 compatibility, losing support for jdk 1.3 and older.

A.19. Release 1.2.0

Release date: 2006/12/08

This release provides type definitions along with serialization/deserialization capabilities for SQL-MM defined curved geometries, as well as performance enhancements.


Added curved geometry type support for serialization/deserialization

Added point-in-polygon shortcircuit to the Contains and Within functions to improve performance for these cases.

A.20. Release 1.1.6

Release date: 2006/11/02

This is a bugfix release, in particular fixing a critical error with GEOS interface in 64bit systems. Includes an updated of the SRS parameters and an improvement in reprojections (take Z in consideration). Upgrade is encouraged.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

fixed CAPI change that broke 64-bit platforms

loader/dumper: fixed regression tests and usage output

Fixed setSRID() bug in JDBC, thanks to Thomas Marti

Other changes

use Z ordinate in reprojections

spatial_ref_sys.sql updated to EPSG 6.11.1

Simplified Version.config infrastructure to use a single pack of version variables for everything.

Include the Version.config in loader/dumper USAGE messages

Replace hand-made, fragile JDBC version parser with Properties

A.21. Release 1.1.5

Release date: 2006/10/13

This is an bugfix release, including a critical segfault on win32. Upgrade is encouraged.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

Fixed MingW link error that was causing pgsql2shp to segfault on Win32 when compiled for PostgreSQL 8.2

fixed nullpointer Exception in Geometry.equals() method in Java

Added EJB3Spatial.odt to fulfill the GPL requirement of distributing the "preferred form of modification"

Removed obsolete synchronization from JDBC Jts code.

Updated heavily outdated README files for shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp by merging them with the manpages.

Fixed version tag in jdbc code that still said "1.1.3" in the "1.1.4" release.

New Features

Added -S option for non-multi geometries to shp2pgsql

A.22. Release 1.1.4

Release date: 2006/09/27

This is an bugfix release including some improvements in the Java interface. Upgrade is encouraged.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

Fixed support for PostgreSQL 8.2

Fixed bug in collect() function discarding SRID of input

Added SRID match check in MakeBox2d and MakeBox3d

Fixed regress tests to pass with GEOS-3.0.0

Improved pgsql2shp run concurrency.

Java changes

reworked JTS support to reflect new upstream JTS developers' attitude to SRID handling. Simplifies code and drops build depend on GNU trove.

Added EJB2 support generously donated by the "Geodetix s.r.l. Company"

Added EJB3 tutorial / examples donated by Norman Barker <>

Reorganized java directory layout a little.

A.23. Release 1.1.3

Release date: 2006/06/30

This is an bugfix release including also some new functionalities (most notably long transaction support) and portability enhancements. Upgrade is encouraged.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes / correctness

BUGFIX in distance(poly,poly) giving wrong results.

BUGFIX in pgsql2shp successful return code.

BUGFIX in shp2pgsql handling of MultiLine WKT.

BUGFIX in affine() failing to update bounding box.

WKT parser: forbidden construction of multigeometries with EMPTY elements (still supported for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION).

New functionalities

NEW Long Transactions support.

NEW DumpRings() function.

NEW AsHEXEWKB(geom, XDR|NDR) function.

JDBC changes

Improved regression tests: MultiPoint and scientific ordinates

Fixed some minor bugs in jdbc code

Added proper accessor functions for all fields in preparation of making those fields private later

Other changes

NEW regress test support for loader/dumper.

Added --with-proj-libdir and --with-geos-libdir configure switches.

Support for build Tru64 build.

Use Jade for generating documentation.

Don't link pgsql2shp to more libs then required.

Initial support for PostgreSQL 8.2.

A.24. Release 1.1.2

Release date: 2006/03/30

This is an bugfix release including some new functions and portability enhancements. Upgrade is encouraged.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

BUGFIX in SnapToGrid() computation of output bounding box

BUGFIX in EnforceRHR()

jdbc2 SRID handling fixes in JTS code

Fixed support for 64bit archs

New functionalities

Regress tests can now be run *before* postgis installation

New affine() matrix transformation functions

New rotate{,X,Y,Z}() function

Old translating and scaling functions now use affine() internally

Embedded access control in estimated_extent() for builds against pgsql >= 8.0.0

Other changes

More portable ./configure script

Changed ./run_test script to have more sane default behaviour

A.25. Release 1.1.1

Release date: 2006/01/23

This is an important Bugfix release, upgrade is highly recommended. Previous version contained a bug in preventing hard upgrade procedure to complete and a bug in GEOS-2.2+ connector preventing GeometryCollection objects to be used in topological operations.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

Fixed a premature exit in

BUGFIX in geometrycollection handling of GEOS-CAPI connector

Solaris 2.7 and MingW support improvements

BUGFIX in line_locate_point()

Fixed handling of postgresql paths

BUGFIX in line_substring()

Added support for localized cluster in regress tester

New functionalities

New Z and M interpolation in line_substring()

New Z and M interpolation in line_interpolate_point()

added NumInteriorRing() alias due to OpenGIS ambiguity

A.26. Release 1.1.0

Release date: 2005/12/21

This is a Minor release, containing many improvements and new things. Most notably: build procedure greatly simplified; transform() performance drastically improved; more stable GEOS connectivity (CAPI support); lots of new functions; draft topology support.

It is highly recommended that you upgrade to GEOS-2.2.x before installing PostGIS, this will ensure future GEOS upgrades won't require a rebuild of the PostGIS library.


This release includes code from Mark Cave Ayland for caching of proj4 objects. Markus Schaber added many improvements in his JDBC2 code. Alex Bodnaru helped with PostgreSQL source dependency relief and provided Debian specfiles. Michael Fuhr tested new things on Solaris arch. David Techer and Gerald Fenoy helped testing GEOS C-API connector. Hartmut Tschauner provided code for the azimuth() function. Devrim GUNDUZ provided RPM specfiles. Carl Anderson helped with the new area building functions. See the credits section for more names.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you DO NOT need a dump/reload. Simply sourcing the new lwpostgis_upgrade.sql script in all your existing databases will work. See the soft upgrade chapter for more information.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

New functions

scale() and transscale() companion methods to translate()







locate_along_measure(geometry, float8)

locate_between_measures(geometry, float8, float8)

SnapToGrid by point offset (up to 4d support)


OGC BdPolyFromText(linestring_wkt, srid)

OGC BdMPolyFromText(linestring_wkt, srid)

RemovePoint(linestring, offset)

ReplacePoint(linestring, offset, point)

Bug fixes

Fixed memory leak in polygonize()

Fixed bug in lwgeom_as_anytype cast functions

Fixed USE_GEOS, USE_PROJ and USE_STATS elements of postgis_version() output to always reflect library state.

Function semantic changes

SnapToGrid doesn't discard higher dimensions

Changed Z() function to return NULL if requested dimension is not available

Performance improvements

Much faster transform() function, caching proj4 objects

Removed automatic call to fix_geometry_columns() in AddGeometryColumns() and update_geometry_stats()

JDBC2 works

Makefile improvements

JTS support improvements

Improved regression test system

Basic consistency check method for geometry collections

Support for (Hex)(E)wkb

Autoprobing DriverWrapper for HexWKB / EWKT switching

fix compile problems in ValueSetter for ancient jdk releases.

fix EWKT constructors to accept SRID=4711; representation

added preliminary read-only support for java2d geometries

Other new things

Full autoconf-based configuration, with PostgreSQL source dependency relief

GEOS C-API support (2.2.0 and higher)

Initial support for topology modelling

Debian and RPM specfiles

New lwpostgis_upgrade.sql script

Other changes

JTS support improvements

Stricter mapping between DBF and SQL integer and string attributes

Wider and cleaner regression test suite

old jdbc code removed from release

obsoleted direct use of

scripts version unified with release version

A.27. Release 1.0.6

Release date: 2005/12/06

Contains a few bug fixes and improvements.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

Fixed palloc(0) call in collection deserializer (only gives problem with --enable-cassert)

Fixed bbox cache handling bugs

Fixed geom_accum(NULL, NULL) segfault

Fixed segfault in addPoint()

Fixed short-allocation in lwcollection_clone()

Fixed bug in segmentize()

Fixed bbox computation of SnapToGrid output


Initial support for postgresql 8.2

Added missing SRID mismatch checks in GEOS ops

A.28. Release 1.0.5

Release date: 2005/11/25

Contains memory-alignment fixes in the library, a segfault fix in loader's handling of UTF8 attributes and a few improvements and cleanups.


Return code of shp2pgsql changed from previous releases to conform to unix standards (return 0 on success).


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Library changes

Fixed memory alignment problems

Fixed computation of null values fraction in analyzer

Fixed a small bug in the getPoint4d_p() low-level function

Speedup of serializer functions

Fixed a bug in force_3dm(), force_3dz() and force_4d()

Loader changes

Fixed return code of shp2pgsql

Fixed back-compatibility issue in loader (load of null shapefiles)

Fixed handling of trailing dots in dbf numerical attributes

Segfault fix in shp2pgsql (utf8 encoding)

Other changes

Schema aware, support for pgsql 7.2+

New "Reporting Bugs" chapter in manual

A.29. Release 1.0.4

Release date: 2005/09/09

Contains important bug fixes and a few improvements. In particular, it fixes a memory leak preventing successful build of GiST indexes for large spatial tables.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.

Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

Bug fixes

Memory leak plugged in GiST indexing

Segfault fix in transform() handling of proj4 errors

Fixed some proj4 texts in spatial_ref_sys (missing +proj)

Loader: fixed string functions usage, reworked NULL objects check, fixed segfault on MULTILINESTRING input.

Fixed bug in MakeLine dimension handling

Fixed bug in translate() corrupting output bounding box


Documentation improvements

More robust selectivity estimator

Minor speedup in distance()

Minor cleanups

GiST indexing cleanup

Looser syntax acceptance in box3d parser

A.30. Release 1.0.3

Release date: 2005/08/08

Contains some bug fixes - including a severe one affecting correctness of stored geometries - and a few improvements.


Due to a bug in a bounding box computation routine, the upgrade procedure requires special attention, as bounding boxes cached in the database could be incorrect.

An hard upgrade procedure (dump/reload) will force recomputation of all bounding boxes (not included in dumps). This is required if upgrading from releases prior to 1.0.0RC6.

If you are upgrading from versions 1.0.0RC6 or up, this release includes a perl script (utils/ to force recomputation of geometries' bounding boxes and invoke all operations required to propagate eventual changes in them (geometry statistics update, reindexing). Invoke the script after a make install (run with no args for syntax help). Optionally run utils/ to refresh postgis procedures and functions signatures (see Soft upgrade).

Bug fixes

Severe bugfix in lwgeom's 2d bounding box computation

Bugfix in WKT (-w) POINT handling in loader

Bugfix in dumper on 64bit machines

Bugfix in dumper handling of user-defined queries

Bugfix in script


Small performance improvement in canonical input function

Minor cleanups in loader

Support for multibyte field names in loader

Improvement in the script

New util script

A.31. Release 1.0.2

Release date: 2005/07/04

Contains a few bug fixes and improvements.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Bug fixes

Fault tolerant btree ops

Memory leak plugged in pg_error

Rtree index fix

Cleaner build scripts (avoided mix of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS)


New index creation capabilities in loader (-I switch)

Initial support for postgresql 8.1dev

A.32. Release 1.0.1

Release date: 2005/05/24

Contains a few bug fixes and some improvements.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX in 3d computation of length_spheroid()

BUGFIX in join selectivity estimator

Other changes/additions

BUGFIX in shp2pgsql escape functions

better support for concurrent postgis in multiple schemas

documentation fixes

jdbc2: compile with "-target 1.2 -source 1.2" by default

NEW -k switch for pgsql2shp

NEW support for custom createdb options in

BUGFIX in pgsql2shp attribute names unicity enforcement

BUGFIX in Paris projections definitions cleanups

A.33. Release 1.0.0

Release date: 2005/04/19

Final 1.0.0 release. Contains a few bug fixes, some improvements in the loader (most notably support for older postgis versions), and more docs.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

Upgrading from any other precedent release requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX in transform() releasing random memory address

BUGFIX in force_3dm() allocating less memory then required

BUGFIX in join selectivity estimator (defaults, leaks, tuplecount, sd)

Other changes/additions

BUGFIX in shp2pgsql escape of values starting with tab or single-quote

NEW manual pages for loader/dumper

NEW shp2pgsql support for old (HWGEOM) postgis versions

NEW -p (prepare) flag for shp2pgsql

NEW manual chapter about OGC compliancy enforcement

NEW autoconf support for JTS lib

BUGFIX in estimator testers (support for LWGEOM and schema parsing)

A.34. Release 1.0.0RC6

Release date: 2005/03/30

Sixth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains a few bug fixes and cleanups.


You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX in multi()

early return [when noop] from multi()

Scripts changes

dropped {x,y}{min,max}(box2d) functions

Other changes

BUGFIX in scrip

BUGFIX in dumper's 64bit support

A.35. Release 1.0.0RC5

Release date: 2005/03/25

Fifth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains a few bug fixes and a improvements.


If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC4 you DO NOT need a dump/reload.

Upgrading from any other precedent release requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX (segfaulting) in box3d computation (yes, another!).

BUGFIX (segfaulting) in estimated_extent().

Other changes

Small build scripts and utilities refinements.

Additional performance tips documented.

A.36. Release 1.0.0RC4

Release date: 2005/03/18

Fourth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains bug fixes and a few improvements.


You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX (segfaulting) in geom_accum().

BUGFIX in 64bit architectures support.

BUGFIX in box3d computation function with collections.

NEW subselects support in selectivity estimator.

Early return from force_collection.

Consistency check fix in SnapToGrid().

Box2d output changed back to 15 significant digits.

Scripts changes

NEW distance_sphere() function.

Changed get_proj4_from_srid implementation to use PL/PGSQL instead of SQL.

Other changes

BUGFIX in loader and dumper handling of MultiLine shapes

BUGFIX in loader, skipping all but first hole of polygons.

jdbc2: code cleanups, Makefile improvements

FLEX and YACC variables set *after* pgsql is included and only if the pgsql *stripped* version evaluates to the empty string

Added already generated parser in release

Build scripts refinements

improved version handling, central Version.config

improvements in

A.37. Release 1.0.0RC3

Release date: 2005/02/24

Third release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains many bug fixes and improvements.


You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX in transform(): missing SRID, better error handling.

BUGFIX in memory alignment handling

BUGFIX in force_collection() causing mapserver connector failures on simple (single) geometry types.

BUGFIX in GeometryFromText() missing to add a bbox cache.

reduced precision of box2d output.

prefixed DEBUG macros with PGIS_ to avoid clash with pgsql one

plugged a leak in GEOS2POSTGIS converter

Reduced memory usage by early releasing query-context palloced one.

Scripts changes

BUGFIX in 72 index bindings.

BUGFIX in probe_geometry_columns() to work with PG72 and support multiple geometry columns in a single table

NEW bool::text cast

Some functions made IMMUTABLE from STABLE, for performance improvement.

JDBC changes

jdbc2: small patches, box2d/3d tests, revised docs and license.

jdbc2: bug fix and testcase in for pgjdbc 8.0 type autoregistration

jdbc2: Removed use of jdk1.4 only features to enable build with older jdk releases.

jdbc2: Added support for building against pg72jdbc2.jar

jdbc2: updated and cleaned makefile

jdbc2: added BETA support for jts geometry classes

jdbc2: Skip known-to-fail tests against older PostGIS servers.

jdbc2: Fixed handling of measured geometries in EWKT.

Other changes

new performance tips chapter in manual

documentation updates: pgsql72 requirement, lwpostgis.sql

few changes in autoconf

BUILDDATE extraction made more portable

fixed spatial_ref_sys.sql to avoid vacuuming the whole database.

spatial_ref_sys: changed Paris entries to match the ones distributed with 0.x.

A.38. Release 1.0.0RC2

Release date: 2005/01/26

Second release candidate for 1.0.0 containing bug fixes and a few improvements.


You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

Library changes

BUGFIX in pointarray box3d computation

BUGFIX in distance_spheroid definition

BUGFIX in transform() missing to update bbox cache

NEW jdbc driver (jdbc2)

GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(EMPTY) syntax support for backward compatibility

Faster binary outputs

Stricter OGC WKB/WKT constructors

Scripts changes

More correct STABLE, IMMUTABLE, STRICT uses in lwpostgis.sql

stricter OGC WKB/WKT constructors

Other changes

Faster and more robust loader (both i18n and not)

Initial autoconf script

A.39. Release 1.0.0RC1

Release date: 2005/01/13

This is the first candidate of a major postgis release, with internal storage of postgis types redesigned to be smaller and faster on indexed queries.


You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.


Faster canonical input parsing.

Lossless canonical output.

EWKB Canonical binary IO with PG>73.

Support for up to 4d coordinates, providing lossless shapefile->postgis->shapefile conversion.

New function: UpdateGeometrySRID(), AsGML(), SnapToGrid(), ForceRHR(), estimated_extent(), accum().

Vertical positioning indexed operators.

JOIN selectivity function.

More geometry constructors / editors.

PostGIS extension API.

UTF8 support in loader.